Juraj Maťaše

Searching for the first job with rails backend

I’m now trying to find my first role as a developer. It’s not easy even when I have more than 10 years in the tech industry behind me. First as a web development (wordpress and HTML) and later as a...

Hello Jekyll

I have a new website. Until recently it was running on my Rails project Blog on Rails. However, it’s not progressing as fast as I need it to, so I decided to migrate my site to Jekyll. I’ve known a...

The social network of the future is 23 years old

We’ve been seeing the decline of both Facebook and Twitter for some time now. MySpace is not even remembered by young people, and at one time it was so dominant that it was a question of whether it...

My setup

As an IT professional, your computer (and staff in it) is your weapon. You need to keep it sharp and ready to fight. Ideal setup Forget about the ideal setup. You don’t need it. But you need to th...

Why is Bitcoin's value rising?

Sounds like a miracle (or a scam). You buy bitcoin and its value multiplies several times every year. But where does that value come from? If I made money, did someone else lose money? How far can ...

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